Prince Of Peace Evangelical
Lutheran Church And Preschool

Sunday Worship — 10:30am
Bible Class &
Sunday School — 9:15am

All are welcome!
Our worship service is live-streamed on our YouTube channel and remains archived on the website for you to watch at any time. Worship folders for the current service may be found on the Worship & Bible Study page accessed via the menu at the top of this page.
About our Church
We enjoy one another's company and do all we can to build each other up in the faith until at last, we reach the goal of our faith - heaven itself. I hope you enjoy meeting us on our website - Come by for a visit sometime and meet us in person! We will welcome you warmly!

Bible Information Class
We all want answers to life’s biggest questions. But the process for finding them often seems intimidating. Where do I even start? How do I read the Bible? Will I even understand it?

We are excited to serve you and your child. Your child will pursue Georgia’s preschool standards while learning to socialize with other children. These academic and behavioral skills will prepare your child for all-day Kindergarten.