Prince Of Peace Evangelical
Lutheran Church And Preschool

How is your relationship with God going lately? Measuring up?
Peace with God is an impossibility if it were dependent on us to achieve. Following the rules cannot save you. Your best efforts to hit a home run in “good deed doing” cannot save you. Working for God's love will bring you nothing but heartache. No matter how hard you try to live the right way, you will fail.
God requires perfect obedience from his people. But sadly, no one is perfect. So many people rely on doing something to earn eternal life. It is ingrained in natural man to think that he can do something to please God. Did you know that Christianity is the ONLY religion that doesn't teach people to depend on their own works for salvation?
It's only through Jesus that we have the complete certainty that we are free from sin and made right before God! The certainty of salvation is not found in your faith or in anything you do. The certainty of salvation is found in Christ and everything he did for you on the cross. It is because of Christ that we are absolutely certain that heaven is our home. It is because of Christ that the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing us a place in heaven. It is because of Christ that we will inherit eternal life.
It's our goal to bring his salvation to the ends of the earth. So, we preach that message here at Prince of Peace. There are no strings attached to the forgiveness of sins. You don’t have to do something for God or the church to make sure you are going to heaven. Jesus forgave your sins when he rose from the dead. You are safe.

What we Believe
We believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.
We believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.