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Renewed energy

Writer's picture: Pastor OlsonPastor Olson

Jesus makes God’s church alive. He talks about “rebuilding ancient ruins.” Isaiah sees the

day when the city of Jerusalem which now lies in ruins will be rebuilt and once again be the

place where all peoples can go to find hope in the God of Israel. The prophet sees the new

testament church thriving because we are alive to serve our God. Can’t we have such optimism

here? Can’t we see that God has enabled us to grow his kingdom here in Martinez? There is so

much to do! God urges a rebuilding. That starts with renewed zeal to grow in your faith through

the Word of God. Rebuilding continues with renewed energy to share the faith we confess and

to work together to be a beacon of hope for people in our community through the Word we have

to offer to all. Your encouragement is utterly necessary for the well-being of all our members.

Our rebuilding efforts will be only as successful as our spiritual growth. Jesus prepares God’s

people for service by getting us into God’s Word.

“Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus

Christ. Amen.”

Isaiah 61:1-6

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me,

because the LORD has anointed me

to preach good news to the poor.

He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,

to proclaim freedom for the captives

and release from darkness for the prisoners,

2 to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor

and the day of vengeance of our God,

to comfort all who mourn,

3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion—

to bestow on them a crown of beauty

instead of ashes,

the oil of gladness

instead of mourning,

and a garment of praise

instead of a spirit of despair.

They will be called oaks of righteousness,

a planting of the LORD

for the display of his splendor.

4 They will rebuild the ancient ruins

and restore the places long devastated;

they will renew the ruined cities

that have been devastated for generations.

5 Aliens will shepherd your flocks;

foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.

6 And you will be called priests of the LORD,

you will be named ministers of our God.

You will feed on the wealth of nations,

and in their riches you will boast.

Dear Friends,

“We want the best. We want it fast and we want it cheap.” That little slogan can work for

most of us whether it comes to our fast food order, or our prerequisites for some new appliance

or even a new car! We want the best. We want it fast and we want it cheap. Sadly, that is also a

slogan that some corporations use when looking for their next hire. We want the best. We want if

fast and we want it cheap. So, with expectations sky high, the hunt begins to find the perfect fit.

The people were all waiting for the Messiah. They wanted the best. They wanted one that

would make life easy. They wanted one who would place no demands on them. In many ways

they wanted the best. They wanted him fast and they wanted him cheap. But God describes the

Messiah for his Church far differently in the words of our text. The pen belongs to Isaiah. But the

speaker is Jesus, 750 years before his birth. He confirms that truth in the gospel lesson today.

Jesus is the Christ and he is ready to assume his duties and equip God’s church for success in this

sin-darkened world! The message he delivers to us this morning is simple and clear.


I. Proclaiming the gospel to sinners (vs. 1-3)

II. Preparing God’s people for service (vs. 4-6)

Jesus is fully conscious of the fact that he is in possession of the Holy Spirit. He uses

these words in Isaiah as a clear witness that he is the Christ. We heard in the gospel this morning

that “Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit.” He taught and he preached. He went

to Nazareth, his hometown, and worshiped at the synagogue there on the Sabbath as was his

custom. After reading this section of Scripture, Jesus said to everyone there, "Today this

scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Jesus was ready for action!

Jesus was ready to begin his work. He had been anointed into his office as the Christ at

his baptism. He knew his mission and he was ready for action. Jesus said, “the LORD anointed

me to preach good news to the poor.” The good news is everything Jesus came into the world to

do to save poor, brokenhearted, enslaved sinners. Jesus was ready to proclaim the gospel to


You are “the poor, the brokenhearted, the captives, the prisoners.” It is Jesus’ goal to

bless you in your poverty. He said in his sermon on the mount, “blessed are the poor in spirit for

theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” It is his goal to “heal the brokenhearted and bind up their

wounds” (Ps 147:3). It is his goal to provide relief for those who are weary and burdened to give

them rest (Mt 11:28). It is his goal to mend broken hearts and to bring joy to all people by

freeing us from sin, death, and the devil’s power over us through the gospel. Jesus proclaims the

good news to accomplish such results in the hearts of everyone!

Do you fit in here somewhere? Or do you insist that while you may not be rich you aren’t

living in a cardboard box either? Are you convinced that even though you have had your hearts

broken a time or two, you are strong enough to handle life’s problems? And don’t you ever grow

tired of having so little control over what you would like to do with your time? We may not be

perfect. We may break some of God’s commandments from time to time, but don’t you ever

grow tired of making a mess of your life day after day? Who of us doesn’t think we are better

people than some others that we hear about in the news? That kind of thinking can convince us

that we really don’t need Jesus. Then the message of Jesus isn’t really “good news.” Maybe you

don’t realize how poor you really are in God’s eyes! Maybe your heart is so badly broken that

you don’t even feel guilty about your sins anymore! Don’t you see how sin has handcuffed you

and imprisoned you? If you only realized how much you need help, the message of the gospel

would be the best news of all to you!

The good news of Jesus makes the poor incredibly rich. It mends the broken heart. It

frees those enslaved to sin. The good news of Christ assures us that we are forgiven for all our

sins. Jesus came to proclaim the gospel to sinners. There is no message more precious to the ears

of a sinner than the good news of forgiveness through the blood Jesus shed on the cross in your

place. Poor, miserable sinners love to hear the message of Jesus taking our place in life and in death.

Sinners love to hear that the holiness of Jesus removes our guilt forever. Jesus proclaims

the good news for our ears.

Jesus likens the “year of the Lord’s favor” to the Year of Jubilee when all slavers were

freed and returned to their own inheritance. In these New Testament days, we live in that Year of

Jubilee every day because Christ has freed us from sins’ bondage. The contrast to that freedom is

the “day of vengeance of our God.” The last day when Christ returns is a day of grace for the

poor and needy and a time of payback for all those who reject Christ in unbelief. Jesus proclaims

the good news so that you will be comforted on that great day! Jesus does right the wrong. He

does comfort us in our sorrow. He does turn our mourning into joy. He does change our outlook

on life. Jesus gives meaning to life!

Christ’s love for his church is described by three exchanges: “a crown of beauty instead

of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of

despair.” There will be no more mourning, but joy instead because the heart knows forgiveness

in Christ. “Oaks of righteousness” are symbols of fresh and enduring strength. What a

description of the child of God! Tall, strong, ever green and lively because of Christ.

Jesus prepares his people well for meaningful service offered to him. Jesus says we are

“planted” – that is, we live and work and play right where we are so that we might display his

splendor! You are like a lamp on a hill, the salt of the earth, so that you can tell the world what

God has done for you. Christ has forgiven you! Christ has freed you to really live.

Jesus makes God’s church alive. He talks about “rebuilding ancient ruins.” Isaiah sees the

day when the city of Jerusalem which now lies in ruins will be rebuilt and once again be the

place where all peoples can go to find hope in the God of Israel. The prophet sees the new

testament church thriving because we are alive to serve our God. Can’t we have such optimism

here? Can’t we see that God has enabled us to grow his kingdom here in Martinez? There is so

much to do! God urges a rebuilding. That starts with renewed zeal to grow in your faith through

the Word of God. Rebuilding continues with renewed energy to share the faith we confess and

to work together to be a beacon of hope for people in our community through the Word we have

to offer to all. Your encouragement is utterly necessary for the well-being of all our members.

Our rebuilding efforts will be only as successful as our spiritual growth. Jesus prepares God’s

people for service by getting us into God’s Word.

The LORD says, “Aliens will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and

vineyards.” Isaiah sees the day when Gentiles will be doing the Lord’s work in his church and

find great joy in bringing gifts of praise to our God. As Jesus prepares God’s people for service,

more and more people will be serving the Lord. The more people get involved in congregational

life, the more ministry we accomplish! Look for ways you can serve your Lord here and now.

There is excitement in serving our Lord – find that joy!

“You will be called priests of the LORD, you will be named ministers of our God.” St.

Peter calls you a “royal priesthood” in his first epistle. Because Christ has offered the one-for-all

sacrifice for sin. We have free access to God’s throne of grace through his blood shed on the

cross. That makes every Christian a priest before God. You can talk to God about anything! He

will hear you for Jesus’ sake. Isaiah says you are a “minister of God.” That means you have a

ministry to carry out. Jesus has made you ready for action too!

Jesus is the best at what he does. He proclaims the gospel perfectly. He prepares us for

service perfectly. He didn’t enter into his role as Messiah to fail. He will succeed in reaching the

lost with the gospel. Get on board and follow his lead because just as surely as Jesus is ready for

action so also as he prepared you for action.


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